E-file Manager

The E-file Manager organizes and tracks the status of e-files that were created from your returns.

To open E-file Manager, click the E-file menu; then, select E-file Manager.

Field or Button Name


Return Name

Displays the name of the return.


Displays the tax package type (such as 1120, 1120S, 1065, etc.)


Indicates the jurisdiction of the return: is it Federal, or is it for a specific state?


Tells you where the e-file is in the overall e-file process. The previous screenshot shows that the e-file has been Created. For all statuses, see E-file Statuses.

Next Steps

Tells you the next step in the e-filing process. For example, the previous screenshot shows that the next step in the process is to send (or transmit) the e-file. Consequently, after selecting or marking the e-file, you would click the Send E-files button to transmit it.

Send E-files button

For the marked return, opens the E-file dialog box from which you can transmit the e-file. See Transmitting E-files.

Check Status button

For the return checked in the E-file Manager, this button opens the E-file dialog box check the status of and e-file.

Fix Errors

Opens the list of errors in the Interview portion of the screen for the highlighted return.

View History

Opens the Acknowledgement History dialog box. See Acknowledgement History.

Close button

Closes the E-file Manager.

Help button

Opens Help Central to the E-file Manager help topic.

You can only delete an e-file from the E-file Manager if it has a Created or Rejected status. E-files with any other status cannot be deleted.


See Also:

E-file Manager Menus

E-file Manager Filters

Manager Pane

Keyboard Shortcuts